Kirk Klasson

Archive for On Technology

The more I buy gadgets, the better I like furniture….

Affordances and the Luddites who love them… Sad week, this week, with the passing of Steve Jobs, a true and uniquely American genius, not particularly when it came to computing, although he obviously had his bonafides when it came to bits and bytes, but especially in what it means to be human. He recognized more […]

A Flash in the Magic Pan

Monetizing cultural phenomena and other quixotic adventures A couple of weeks back, the CEO of a web start up called Svpply, Inc caused a ripple in the blogosphere when he posted that he really didn’t know what he was up to. He was candid in describing the challenges that he faced on a daily basis […]

“Over here, stupid!”

Like many of my ilk I have found that I am prone to specific loss of normal cognitive functions that seem related to my gender. For starters, I can’t find things, simple but important things, like keys, insurance cards, post-its with passwords, that kind of stuff. Now nearly everyone experiences this kind of short term […]

Spooky Action at a Distance…..

Recently, McKinsey sat down and did an interview with Ray Kurzweil. Never one to be shy about predictions Mr. K out Moore’d Moore’s Law when it came to exponential prowess of information technology. First, he postulated that machine intelligence would rival human intelligence by 2029. Not really a stretch when you consider that IBM’s […]

Forecast, partly cloudy….

For the last couple of years the concept of clouds has dominated the enterprise IT agenda. Dial up just about any periodical focused on enterprise computing and you will see cloud stuff everywhere. Walk through enterprise computing shops and the picture isn’t quite the same. Hype has always preceded adoption when it comes to this […]

First, a glance back…

As the inaugural post here, I think it only fitting to take a look back at some work that first appeared about ten years ago. At the time I was working at Cambridge Technology Partners and the internet while no longer a new phenomenon was still one that most businesses had not sorted out. Venture […]

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Insights on Technology and Strategy