Kirk Klasson

Requiem for a Business Model…..Part II

This one’s just too good to pass up. Normally, I don’t post about current events. Mostly because it is difficult to learn any thing from the blur of the present. But since the last couple of posts dealt directly with Microsoft and Open Source Software (Requiem for a Business Model) and indirectly with Nokia (Value […]

Spooky Action at a Distance…..

Recently, McKinsey sat down and did an interview with Ray Kurzweil. Never one to be shy about predictions Mr. K out Moore’d Moore’s Law when it came to exponential prowess of information technology. First, he postulated that machine intelligence would rival human intelligence by 2029. Not really a stretch when you consider that IBM’s […]

Value Based Strategy Formulation

Techniques for Creating and Evaluating Strategic Options About five years ago a couple of professors from INSEAD wrote a book about abandoning traditional approaches to strategy formulation in favor of using a white space, clean sheet approach whereby you set aside your current markets, value orientation, economic model, capital obligations, etc. to pursue strategies based […]

Requiem for a Business Model

Open Source: You say goodbye and I say hello Many years ago C. Gordon Bell, perhaps the foremost student of the computing industry, drafted a paper with a working title of something like “Microprocessors: Any Winning Avenues Left?”. In it he analyzed the trajectories of broad categories of then current technologies including cpu, memory, operating […]

Managing Knowledge for Advantage

Now, more than ever before, the returns companies realize are increasingly related to their intellectual assets, and not the tangible assets they manage. Why? Because economic and competitive realities are demanding that companies focus on creating more value from their core business competencies — whether it’s product development, customized services, or managing the relationships they […]

Life is High School…

Ahhh, Facebook, the site that launched 500 million sites; the world’s clamoring social bazaar ; that intoxicating mix of narcissism and vanity that usually peaks in high school. There’s a well-worn axiom that goes something like this: you’re nobody ‘til somebody sues you. Well, Facebook has truly arrived. Recently, a suit was filed contending that […]

Forecast, partly cloudy….

For the last couple of years the concept of clouds has dominated the enterprise IT agenda. Dial up just about any periodical focused on enterprise computing and you will see cloud stuff everywhere. Walk through enterprise computing shops and the picture isn’t quite the same. Hype has always preceded adoption when it comes to this […]


The telegraph ranks among the most significant achievements of modern times. By liberating the delivery of communications from the limits of phusical transportation and from humans’ sensory boundaries, the new medium ushered the world into the information age. Invented almost two centuries ago, the telegraph sparked innovation on an unprecedented scale. It immediately precipitated flurries […]

Knowledge Management

Executive Summary: For the past several years, working with clients in the pharmaceutical industry, Cambridge Technology Partners has developed a unique perspective on the tangible economic value of knowledge. Using insights acquired from client engagements and accepted financial principals we have developed a methodology that clearly substantiates the linkage between knowledge management, rapid innovation, and […]

Business Models

Henry Ford once owned a rubber plantation in the Amazon jungle, the better to control and manage the supply of raw material for his tire factories that supplied his auto assembly lines. Now that’s vertical. Fords hierarchical business model yielded exceptional control over the value chain, and for the times, it made good economic sense. […]

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Insights on Technology and Strategy